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Akash Mitra Mandal

( Amateur Astronomers' Organisation )


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Regd.No. MAH/557/96/Thane

Akash Mitra is an amateur Astronomers' Organization.  Its objective is to  popularize astronomy and induce students, enthusiasts to make useful  contributions in the field of astronomical research.  It also aims to carry systematic  study of the subject.   It was the first organization in India to organize the amateur astronomers' Meet  in India.  Since it's establishment in August 1986, many  seminars, workshops, Basic Astronomy  Courses, Sky Watching Programmes were  conducted by the organization.  It has also enhanced the astronomical literature  in India by publishing the "Directory of Persons Associated with Astronomy in India"

The important milestones in the brief tenure of Akash Mitra are marked by some major contributions to the society in the field of astronomy in general and information dissemination in particular.  Apart from the publication of Directory of Persons Associated with Astronomy in India, Akash Mitra successfully measured the latitude of Kalyan city.  The opening of the Astronomy Reference Library was first of its kind not only in the city, but also in its vicinity.  The said library is open on weekdays at Akash Mitra's meeting place at "Navshiv Mangal Society, Near Siddheshwar Mandir, Parnaka, Kalyan (W), Dist.Thane, Maharashtra, India.


Membership Details

Contact : akashmitramandal@yahoo.com



Contact us at:

Hemant Mone : 91-0251-2319014

Prabhakar Gokhale : 91-0251-2603401

email : akashmitramandal@yahoo.com

We Meet every Sunday at: 

Navshiv Mangal Society, Nr.Siddheshwar Mandir, Parnaka,Kalyan (W) at 4:30 p.m.


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